Dominate local search with Voice Search Technology

In 2021, 58% of consumers used voice search to find a local business online. Make your business available to customers using Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa, Cortana, Bixby.

Consumers are utilizing voice search to shop, get directions, make bookings, book travel, etc.

There is an even larger disruption on the horizon:
Conversational AI and its impact on consumer behavior.
Conversational AI streamlines computer system usage like never before as it turns the user dynamic– instead of people learning computer system code, computer systems are discovering our language.

In 2022, 72% of all US consumers are using voice search through a Digital Assistant.

As these numbers grow, conversational AI will continue to weave itself into the world around us.

Connect with more customers

Publish your business name, address, and phone number to Google, Bing, Apple Maps, and hundreds of other applications.

Your customer is online looking for exactly your type of business. They are actively seeking to connect, looking for help, and searching for your product or service.

Give them what they are looking for – your business.

Supercharge your local marketing

Using our platform, submit your public information about your company, and we’ll push that data to the top maps, directories, apps, and social networks.

Increase Your Ranking

Customers are scattered across numerous devices, applications, vertical directories, and social media networks. Publish your business information across all of these sites to rank higher and be found with our Prime Listings product.

Leverage voice technology to target customers

More and more customers every day are looking for convenient and easy ways to find a local business to meet their needs.
You can now effectively show up in voice search results by publishing your business name, address, phone number, services, and the most optimal keywords.
If your company is not listed on Voice Search, You will never be found.

Generate more revenue for your business.
Take control of your company’s online data & information.

Key Marketing Elements is a Tech-enabled B2B sales and marketing agency that uses in-house technology solutions to syndicate accurate data across all the vital voice search platforms and online directory listings to increase your visibility.

Unlock and Access Your Most Valuable SEO Data

If your business isn’t focusing on voice search optimization, you could be missing out on sales.

Voice search’s gradual rise and dominance in the search engine landscape can’t be ignored.

Smartphones, smart speakers, cars, smart TVs, smart home components, wearables, appliances, and other connected gadgets are on the rise.
They provide a level of convenience the modern consumer craves.

The simple press of a button, followed by reciting a phrase verbally, can return instantaneous results.

Speech recognition technology has made our lives even easier and shopping more effortless.

More consumers are catching on to the benefits of using a virtual assistant for their needs.

Take the first step in putting your company at the top of all voice search platforms

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